@VitalikButerin ·
Ethereum DA Security
High Throughput
Any Wallet
Fuel == parallel + state minimized + native account abstraction + native assets
600+ on ETH DA
1 second
DA Security
Ethereum 4844
Intent-driven exchanges
Leverage Fuel’s unique spending condition architecture to enable lightweight intent-driven designs.
Real-time prediction markets
Build complex streaming based real-time market designs with Fuel's 1 second block time.
Capital markets/DEXs
Use Fuel's inherent UTXO based asset model to design complex capital markets and DEXs at native levels.
AMMs without Smart Contracts
Combine spending conditions with native assets to build AMMs without smart contracts.

Our Community
The Fuel Community exists to empower builders at any stage of their journey. We embody collaboration, innovation, education, creativity, support, and service. We don't maintain the status quo or add to the noise - we gather to build a tomorrow we believe must exist. A tomorrow that brought us all to Ethereum in the first place. Join our community and let’s create tomorrow - together.